
Aspen High School utilizes a variety of data to build a body of evidence.  The body of evidence serves as documentation to make decisions on the best practices for students. The following page describes the variety of assessments and tools used to build a body of evidence.

Universal Screening - the first step to identify students which includes assessment one to three times per year

STAR Reading and Math Assessment - https://www.renaissance.com/products/star-assessments/

WIDA - http://www.wida.us/

Teacher observations- grades, behavior, class work samples

Parent observations

Progress Monitoring **- frequent (weekly) monitoring using a variety of tools to evaluate performance and progress

Aimsweb Reading, Math, Writing Probes - www.aimsweb.com

Phonological Awareness and Reading Profile

Take Flight Single Word Decoding

Teacher observations- grades, behavior, class work samples

Parent observations

Psychologist, doctor, therapist reports