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Application Procedures

Application Deadline February 27, 2025

Aspen High School coordinates almost all of the local scholarships into one general online application process for students. The exceptions are the Aspen Board of Realtors Scholarship and the Aspen Community Foundation Scholarships (which have an earlier deadline and separate application process) and Trashmaster’s (which has a later deadline and separate paper or online application).

1. The AHS “General Application and required attachments:  Local scholarship groups/donors use SmarterSelect an online portal to receive applicant information.  Therefore, the first step in your application process will be to set up a SmarterSelect account and submit the “General Application” including answering all of the questions in the application and uploading an essay or personal statement, transcript, resume or Common App activity sheet, and two letters of recommendation. If you will be using an AHS teacher or counselor recommendation, please indicate their names in the online application and those letters will be uploaded from Scoir to your SmarterSelect application after your application has been submitted.  A FAFSA Submission Summary is a required upload for students applying for financial need-based scholarships.  

2. “Specific Scholarship Applications”: After you have submitted the “General Application”, decide the local scholarships for which you will apply.  Links to all of the specific scholarships are listed below.  To apply to each individual scholarship you will need to click on its “Specific Application” link. It is through the “Specific Applications” that you may be asked to answer additional questions and/ or provide a supplemental essay. 

3. “Spring Update”: Scholarship donors are very interested in where you will be attending college and what type of financial aid package that school is offering.  Applicants are asked to submit a supplemental application including additional financial information and matriculation decisions.  A link to the Spring Application Update will be provided to all submitted applicants. 


"2025 General Application" - Complete this first!

Links for SmarterSelect "Specific Scholarship Applications":

Aspen Cancer Conference Scholarship

Aspen Chapel Spirit Award

Aspen Community Theater Scholarship

AEA Future Educator Scholarship

Aspen Elks Lodge #224 Scholarship

Aspen Football Gridiron Classic Scholarship

Aspen Promise Scholarship

Aspen Rotary Club Scholarship

Aspen Thrift Shop Scholarship

Douglas Pumpelly Memorial Scholarship

Futures Fund Scholarship

Glah Family Opportunity Scholarship

Jake's Film & Music Arts Scholarship****

John Haines Opportunity Scholarship

Les Dames D'Aspen Scholarship

North of Nell Scholarship in honor of Joe Raczak

PEO, Local Aspen Chapter Scholarship

Pitkin County Healthy River Scholarship

Poppycock’s Cafe Scholarship Award

Robbie Wade Environmental Scholarship

Robert Skorr Memorial Scholarship presented by Aspen Women's Golf Association

School Resource Officer/Law Enforcement Award

Snowmass Village Community Foundation Award

Town of Snowmass Village Visual Arts Scholarship

Willard L. Clapper Memorial Award

William Sandersen Veterans Memorial Scholarship - all students submitting the General Application will be considered.

Zanin Family Foundation Scholarship

Feb. 21 Deadline!
  • Tom Peirce & Melanie Peirce Brown Memorial Scholarship
  • Harley Baldwin Memorial Scholarship (1st Gen)
  • Jerome Hatem Memorial Scholarship (Rugby player)
  • Fast Forward Scholarship (trade school or two-year program)

Click here for more information and application links. Deadline, February 21

Regarding letters of recommendation for this application, simply upload a dummy doc stating "I do not have access to my letters of recommendation. Susanne Morrison will email my letters directly to Scott Kenner/ACF."