Driver Education
Welcome to the Driver Education Program!
We offer driver training and testing for students and the community.
The Driver Education Program is licensed by the State of Colorado to offer a Comprehensive Classroom Course, Behind the Wheel Instruction, Instructional Permit, and the State Driver License Drive Exam.
The 30 hour class is offered year round online. The in-person class is usually offered once per year, depending on schedules.
Behind the wheel instruction is for all students learning to drive. Instruction includes basic skills, steering, braking, acceleration, and scanning, as well as turns and maneuvers. Our Behind the Wheel Instruction provides 6 hours of drive time with a State Certified Instructor in the AHS Driver's Education car.
Drive Test (BOST). We offer drive testing for all eligible students and to the general public as schedules allow.
Please refer to website for information regarding requirements and driver’s license information.
All Fees must be paid online through the high school pay fees portal.
Jamie Mahaffey - (970) 948.6317
Coordinator, Instructor, Tester
Georgina Levey - (970) 948.8629
Instructor, Tester
Driver's Ed in person is back!
Click here to register
Driver's education classes be offered in November and December 2024. This 30-hour class is required for all students who wish to obtain their driving instructional permit at 15 years old. Lunch or dinner will be included with the class. The schedule is listed below
Nov. 10th 2-8:15 PM
Nov. 17th 2-8:15 PM
Dec. 1st 2-8:15 PM
Dec. 8th 2-8:15 PM
Dec. 15th 2-8:30 PM*
* Last class will run 30 min. longer so students can take written permit tes
Drivers ed permit intensive class. Students can’t miss ANY part of any class to qualify for a permit upon successful completion. You must be at least 14 yrs 6 months old by June 6th to start the course.