What: Senior Graduation Performance Auditions
When: Tuesday, April 8th, 2025 at 3:30 pm
Where: Erica's choir room at AES (behind District Theatre)
Who: Any senior, or group of seniors, who is interested in performing at the Senior Awards Ceremony or at Graduation
Sign up with Erica for an audition via email: enottingham@aspenk12.net. Contact Erica with any questions or follow-up.
Project Graduation Fundraising Links
The tradition of Project Graduation began in 1989 to provide a safe and fun experience on the evening of graduation. This event is only possible with your help.
Project Graduation is largely funded by the senior class parents. As always, our objective is to keep this a free event for our seniors. To do this, we need to raise $44,000. Our goal is for 100% participation and support from our senior class parents. No donation of money or time is too small or too big. We thank you in advance for your donations and know our students will also be extremely appreciative, when they arrive at the ARC on May 31st.
You can donate online: https://www.successfund.com/AHS2025projectgraduation
You may also donate by logging into your AHS E-funds account or bring a check, payable to Aspen High School Project Graduation, to the High School front office.
Checks can also be mailed to: Aspen High School Project Graduation, 0235 High School Road, Aspen, CO 81611.
If you would like more information about specific underwriting opportunities or would like to join one of our planning committees, please email ** aspenprojectgraduation@aspenk12.net.